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Jake Davis Charged for DDoS Attacks on SOCA

18yo Jake Davis from Shetland islands UK, was arrested on the 27th of July 2011 and has been held for questioning since and is now due to be charged on Monday 1st of August 2011, these charges related to an attack anonymous did on the SOCA website 20th June 2011.

Here is the full list of the charges against Jake Davis:
  • Unauthorized access to a computer system, contrary to Section 3 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990;
  • Encouraging / assisting offences, contrary to S46 of the Serious Crime Act 2007;
  • Conspiracy with others to carry out a Distributed Denial of Service Attack on the website of the Serious and Organised Crime Agency contrary to S1 Criminal Law Act 1977
  • Conspiracy to commit offences of section 3 Computer Misuse Act 1990, contrary to S1 Criminal Law Act 1977
  • Conspiracy between the defendant and others to commit offences of section 3 Computer Misuse Act 1990 contrary to S1 Criminal Law Act 1977
Davis, reportedly an avid online chess player, was arrested on Yell, one of the northern isles of Shetland. Frankly, it's hard to imagine a more remote place in the British Isles to be.

Although there have been plenty of internet rumours speculating that the police might have been tricked by the hackers into arresting the wrong person, the authorities have been confident since Davis's arrest that he was the one they believed to be "Topiary".

A few days before Davis's arrest, Topiary's Twitter account was strangely wiped and replaced with a single message:

"You cannot arrest an idea"

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