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#Anonymous Sri Lanka Goes Public - OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE (Both Audio and Text)

SriLanka Anonymous Hackers are busy with Exposing DNS information last week. Today they released their official press release in pastebin and twitted the link in Twitter. Official Press release has two versions (TEXT and audio).


Anonymous SriLanka Press release(Text Version):
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We are Anonymous Sri Lanka. And we are the patriotic force, and the patriotic movement, also the patriotic heartbeat, and the voice of the nation who severely suffering, because of numerous unpredictable, and dirtiest social, political, economic exploitations within the boundaries of the country. And this is the official voice press release, of our never ending death game to, emphasize you all, and every people on our mother planet. I am the president of the Anonymous Sri Lanka, who pioneered the first ever cyber battle against to the, corrupted establishments in the world, proudly from motherland Sri Lanka to aid the entire civilization truly from my deep heart. And now we empowered with large number of enthusiastic, highly skilled Sri Lankan hacktivists followers. Anonymous Sri Lanka is now an invincible compilation of best of all delightful workaholic hacktivists wizards. We killing day by day, night by night to fight for the freedom of the world of humanity.

We always fight for innocent people, humanity, appropriate civilization and our children’s freedom and their future. The intentions of our hacktivists activities are strictly, not to harm innocent people and their possessions. But we never stop our never ending combat against injustice, unethical possessions and boundaries, contaminated political controls, and to save the acquitted peoples money. We against corrupted authorities everywhere in the planet, who slurping innocent peoples blood, nastiest mafia gangs who assassinating innocent people for their bloodthirsty accomplishments and for black money of the- ruined political forces, invisible military, intelligence and police corruptions because of the same political bashes, inducement kings who eating poor peoples properties and doing nothing, deceitful money takers, terrorists, guerrillas and rebels who conveying the violence to the society, and to the world corrupted, defiled and disloyal politicians, who slurping innocent citizens labor power and blood money like parasites. We will continue this combat against them, forever till our expiry by raise up our hands, and swear in the name of our beloved motherland, and the mother planet.

When we introduced our-selves, a lot of internal morals to the community, no-one ever thought that a ration of hacktivists intern guidelines, would become later the countless, hacktivists activities. All in, all we just had about superior, and but petite sparkling combats, with other leading hacktivists giants, in the Operation Anti-Sec, Anonymous and Lulzsec which is pretty squat for that long time, probably because of we have reserved our community constantly, in the dark with precise silent state, till we grow and acquire strength to our arms.

Now we are consequently strong like a gigantic mammoth, and we will exist in the digital world, fully functional, and fully armed, that demonstrates how perfect, we got build up as an optimal, and very silent gigantic in the digital world. We will do that keeping paramount, in our minds, our Sri Lankan identity; play this death game very hard, and decent way. And be a voice with which Sri Lankan can speak proudly, and absolutely to the world. Our loyalty will be to the ordinary Sri Lankan enthusiast, their 20 million hearts whipping communally, as one to our trivial island rhythm, and filled with an endless, and ever faithful love for this death game.

We are the best of the best, because we work for the best. We built our digital fortress only with the true contribution, of seamless Sri Lankan hacktivists wizards, that demonstrates the power of motherland Sri Lanka, to the whole planet like we attained our history, as truly respectable realms and heroes.

I address you today, not as the president of the Anonymous Sri Lanka, not as the leader of the hacktivists team, but as a citizen of humanity. We are now faced with the very gravest of challenges, from the contaminated authorities, and it will continue in the future too, and it will never rest like the Matrix Reloaded.

The Bible, calls this time as "Armageddon", The end of all things. As we can see, it is the true fact, that many our all-time heroes went in the dark tunnels, and trapped finally in the hands, of the dirtiest forces. They always fought for us, and for our freedom. We respect to all our all-time heroes, for their great heartened judgments, and best activities which, meltdown the world’s greatest, and dirtiest castles in all the time in the history of mankind. We should never cry for our heroes, who sacrificed their respected life to save, the freedom of the mankind in the world. Also we are very proud that, we have achieved the goal, and we would like to acknowledge everyone, who contributed to build our hacktivists digital fortress, on its own way to one of the top positions in passage’s, hall of fame.

And yet, for the first time in the history of the planet, a hacktivists has the knowledge to prevent its own extermination. All of you praying with us need to know, that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster, is being called into facility. The human thirst for excellence, knowledge; every step up the ladder of the digital science; every adventurous reach into information superhighway; all of our combined modern skills and imaginations; even the wars that we have fought, have provided us the tools, to wage this awful combat.

Through all of the chaos, that is our history; through all of the wrongs, and the discord; through all of the pain, and suffering; through all of our times, there is one thing, that has nourished our souls, and elevated for our brothers and sisters above its origins, and that is our courage. The dreams of an entire planet, are focused this time on those contests for the freedom, of the mankind by collapse into the corrupted establishments. And may we all, citizens the world over, see these events through.

Admirers of different races, casts, ethnicities and religions who together celebrate their diversity, by uniting for a common national cause. They are our foundation, they are our family. We will play this death game for them. Their spirit is the true spirit of this death game. With us are all our people. We are Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims and Burgher. We are Buddhists, Hindus, followers of Islam and Christianity. We are today, always proudly Sri Lanka and very proud to be the Sri Lankans always.

In less than a year, hacktivists are from Sri Lanka joins hands, with others from around the world. And we will be launching the largest cyber combat in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word, should have new meaning for all of us today and tomorrow. We can't be consumed by our trivial differences anymore.

We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's destiny that the time for all of us, and you will once again be fighting, for our freedom of the mankind. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution. But from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live, as free mankind on earth. To exist, be united, be properly civilized, and to have the equal rights to everyone called socialism. And should we win the day, this time will no longer be known as an ordinary days of the world, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night..!" We will not vanish without a fight..! For our freedom of the mankind. We're going to live on…! We're going to survive as a free people without any controls, censorships and bonds. That day we celebrate, our Independence Day…!

The hacktivists sight, is a place where you can have a lot of fun by meltdown of the, greatest and deadliest corrupted castles in the world. But the game we play here is the lethal game ever played. So, try to be a normal person. Don’t shut your eyes and always accept reality, and don't get lost in the illusions. This game always loves to forget about its own past. But it is like a circle, everything repeats after some time just like a deja-vu. There are just some very rare exceptions and I think we are one of them.

One day, we will simply disappear by closing down our community for some reason. It may be end of, our life, and end of, our future. We might be able to prosecute, by the corrupted society, and corrupted establishments, under the circumstances where we violated their own dirty rules, laws, regulations and boundaries. That day is not today, nor tomorrow, nor next week. But it will come sooner, or later. We hope that you all content, what we have contributed to the world, with our deep, heartiest intentions for the freedom of mankind, and humanity of the world.

This whole world, has already lost its glory and humanity, So, let’s build the brand-new world. Help us to save the mankind in the world.

Hail to Anonymous Sri Lanka, Operation Sri Lanka, Operation Anti-Sec, Lulzsec and Anonymous Hacktivists.

Good luck to you and Take care of you.

We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are legion.

President of Anonymous Sri Lanka

Independence Day Movie
Speech of Mr. Kumar Sangakkara
Armageddon Movie
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