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Apple Website Hacked and defaced by HodLuM

Hacker HoduM hacked the one of subdomain of Apple and upload a Image file to the domain.
Here is the link to:
The hacker claimed that anonymous, Lulsec, Turkish Hackers, inj3ctor as n00bs.

The message from Hacker:
Special greetings to all those turkish 1337l4m3rz iskorptix,1923Turk, GHoST61 & Ashiyane crew, this is a special message for YOU.

Keep defacing some random websites that nobody gives a f'ck about. Are and good enough to find some b0x3z to 0wn? LOL.

./EOF. SOuc3 c0d3 f0r d4 w1n. (w4nn4 h3Lp bUnny?) - 2011 baby!

oh.. and btw, Anonymous/Lulsec, go F'CK yourself too, your group is full of noobs and lamers. Don't think you're leets, as it not the case. At all.

Screenshot of Defacement:

Also HodLum hacked AOL website
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