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Hacker group declares cyber war on US police

AFP - A hacker group on Saturday claimed it has "defaced and destroyed" websites at scores of US police agencies in retaliation for the arrest of suspected peers accused of hacking into the CIA, British crime agency SOCA, and Sony.

The group called AntiSec -- in reference to "anti-security" -- said in an online post that it is backing its claim by releasing information it looted during cyber attacks on more than 70 local police agencies.

"We are releasing a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to embarrass, discredit and incriminate police officers across the US," the group said in a message.

"We are doing this in solidarity with Topiary and the Anonymous PayPal LOIC defendants as well as all other political prisoners who are facing the gun of the crooked court system."

Early this week, 18-year-old British man Jack Davis, believed to be a hacker who went by the online name "Topiary," was granted bail in a London court.

Davis is suspected of being a spokesman for hacking groups Lulz Security (LulzSec) and Anonymous.

He was charged with hacking into websites, including that of Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), which was out of service for several hours on June 20 after apparently being targeted.

LulzSec has claimed responsibility for a 50-day rampage earlier this year against international businesses and government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency and the US Senate, and electronics giant Sony.

Anonymous and LulzSec have denounced the arrests in the United States last month of 14 people suspected of taking part in an online attack on the PayPal website organized by Anonymous.

PayPal, Visa and MasterCard stopped accepting donations for WikiLeaks in December after the website began releasing thousands of sensitive State Department cables.

source: google News
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