HaxOr, INTRA team member hacked Rankmyhack.com. Rankmyhack.com gives rank for hackers based on their hack. Hackers can submit their hacking , they will be ranked depending on the priority of website. The bounty section of this site was created in an attempt to focus the abilities of talented hackers against political and government forces that need to be put back in line.
Hax0r use the vulnerability of website and upload the hackedbyhaxor.txt . This text file contains the following message.
Hackers upload the PHP shell with image extension in the uploads folder and exploit the website.
I don't know How much rank will they give for this? Ha..Ha.. Even my forum also has some vulnerability,i fixed some vulnerability but still hidden vulnerability. I hope it will be exposed some other hackers.
Hax0r use the vulnerability of website and upload the hackedbyhaxor.txt . This text file contains the following message.
"Greetz to all members of Team INTRA...Secure your shit!"
Hackers upload the PHP shell with image extension in the uploads folder and exploit the website.
I don't know How much rank will they give for this? Ha..Ha.. Even my forum also has some vulnerability,i fixed some vulnerability but still hidden vulnerability. I hope it will be exposed some other hackers.