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HFOX Security Testing Framework(HSTF) 0.1 Beta released by Hcon

HFOX Security Testing Framework(HSTF) 0.1 Beta released by Hcon.  This is chromium Based Penetration Testing tool.

Specification :
  1. Based on Chromium Source (iron build) version 14
  2.  more secure and Tracking free from Google & Stable then other Chromium based builds
  3.  Over 100 tools integration with very easy use interface
  4. Tested and heavily modified tools suggestions contributed by professional pentesters , web developers , Security
  5. Free and open source
  6. Totally Portable (no need to install) , you can carry it around in your usb , memory card etc. 
  7. Runs on all windows including windows - XP , VISTA , 7

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