Wikipedia, the worlds largest 'biased'information portal is vulnerable to XSS or Cross Site Scripting attack,discovered by @ThEhAcKeR12
Vulnerability Information:
- Type: XSS
- Vulnerable link: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%27%20onmouseover%3dprompt%28952154%29%20bad%3d%27&title=Special:Search&useformat=mobile
- Status: Fixed
- Author: @ThEhAcKeR12
- pastebin link
What is XSS or Cross Site Scripting ?- Malicious users may inject JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML or Flash into a vulnerable link to fool a user in order to gather data from them. A Hacker can steal the session cookie and take over the account, impersonating the user. It is also possible to modify the content of the page presented to the user.