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5 File sharing sites shut down by Italian CyberCrime Police

The Italian CyberCrime Police division shuts down five File sharing sites for offering links to torrents and files hosted on cyberlocker services and indexed more than 31,000 illicit items including movies, music, TV show, games and softwares.

 Guardia Di Finanza(GdF) ,in english " Financial Guard", is a dept. under Minister of Economy and Finance of Italy and part of the Italian Armed Forces.
They are dealing with financial crime,smuggling and cyber crime. They shut down these file sharing sites as par of their task.

A 49-year-old man,Naples, known online under the pseudonym “Tex Willer”, was allegedly the operator of the series of sites including ItalianShare, MusicShare, FilmShare and ItalianSexy. All were hosted in Las Vegas and are currently down. These sites had 136,00 subscribes and offered 31600 links to
movies, music, TV shows, software, games and pornography indexed on BitTorrent, cyberlockers and eDonkey networks.

"Furthermore, since the sites had advertising and donation accounts operating through PayPal, Guardia di Finanza are framing their investigation as one against for-profit piracy and tax evasion." said in torrentfreak

With the help of FPM (Federation Against Music Piracy), AESVI (Italian Entertainment Software Publishers Association) and movie anti-piracy group FAPAV,complains against the leaders of the sites were filed. 

The investigation of this files-sharing sites case is still ongoing ,with GdF noting that seized data will “provide specific facts relating to those who were responsible for illegally sharing tens of thousands of protected copyright works online.”
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