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Anonymous unleashed "Fawkes Virus" worm on Facebook

The Hacktivist group Anonymous unleashed "Fawkes Virus" worm on Facebook server.  The operation named as "Fawkes Virus". They announced this operation via Video on Youtube.

According to the video, "the Fawkes Virus" is worm that sophisticated and a hacked account could open users up to hacks on their hard drives and loss of control over their entire systems. Although it seems firmly rooted in Facebook, the video said that it could be applied to any social network and added, "We did not expect the intensity in which it would spread."

More announcement about the Operation:

Anonymous would like to welcome you to the Fawkes virus which was fully written by Anonymous programmers.

We did not expect the intensity in which it would spread.

After the worm is under control Anonymous will use this to its advantage against corruption and as an alternative attack against its opponents

"I'm a legitimate member of Anonymous. The virus was intended to target FB's servers, and not user accounts, i was simply offering the facts, as opposed to lying. If you spent a bit time to research on how FB handles your data and how it disables thousands of accounts for no reason, FB refuses to take down images of graphic violence, sexual exploitation and animal cruelty off Facebook due to a loophole. If you still don't understand why we target FB then you clearly don't understand Anonymous." AnonSecurity157 commented on Youtube below the video. 

"If it’s not a hoax, it appears to have the characteristics of 2008's KoobFace, but unlike its predecessor it should also receive commands from a remote attacker and simulate “basic actions on Facebook accounts, such as sending a friend request or a message”. The worm could be carried onto other account with little or no interaction, as it allegedly bypasses your application security and automatically sends infected links to the unsuspected contacts in the list of friends."Malware city report says.

"According to the video, the worm is sophisticated and a hacked account could open users up to hacks on their hard drives and loss of control over their entire systems. Although it seems firmly rooted in Facebook, the video said that it could be applied to any social network." theinquirer report says.
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