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SMS Privato Spy : a Smartphone spyware scam steals your money

A New Scam claims "SMS Privato Spy" is one of spyware product that allows customers to secretly monitor a spouse or co-worker's phone and collect that person's calls, texts and GPS locations. The claims that they provide those features for $50-125 depending on the package chosen.

"If you are still not sold on the product they even provide a video on the site showing an interview on with a company called the Federal Forensics Group reviewing what is supposedly SMS Privato Spy." Symantec security expert Peter Coogan said in a blog posting.

Unfortunately, the video is not legitimate one. In an attempt to add credibility to the scam, scammers have taken a real interview for a different product and rereleased it as though it was for their own product.

Eric Robi of Elluma Discovery who is featured in the interview with had the following to say about their interview being hijacked by these scammers.

“Unfortunately more than a few scammers such as Privato have embedded the video on their advertising page to make it look like we are endorsing them. There is little we can do about this deceptive practice. We receive many angry callers and emails from people who have been scammed and they think we have sold them the software or endorsed a product - which of course we have not"

If a victim attempt to buy the spyware ,the obtain a voucher PIN code from an online payment site called PaySafe. Once they use this payment pin code to register and purchase the product on the site, they are presented with the message below telling them that their order is being processed.

No further contact is made with the victim and the scammers take the unprocessed payment voucher pin code and use it for their own purposes.
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