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Solve the Puzzle and Win a Lego Mindstorm! : #sophospuzzle

Hey wait a second..! This is not spam report, this is real challenge from one of Security Firm "Sophos".  There are two stages in this challenge.  If you solve it, you will get Lego Mindstorm.

Stage 1: Crack this 24 character Code and find the URL to the second stage:

Stage 2:
Stage Two is a bit tougher. It doesn't require cipher-cracking skills (though they might come in handy). Instead, a bit of lateral thinking should get you to the solution.

Watch out for the hashtag #sophospuzzle on Twitter, or email for hints.

  • You need to solve the puzzle before midnight on Wednesday 21 December 2011, New York time.
  • There are only 3 Mindstorm so be quick.

About Lego Mindstorm:

The LEGO Mindstorm series of kits contain software and hardware to create small, customizable and programmable robots. They include a programmable 'Brick' computer that controls the system, a set of modular sensors and motors, and LEGO parts from the Technics line to create the mechanical systems

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