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Hackers disrupted the Railway service for two days in December 2011

Hackers disrupted railway signals for two days in December 2011 by compromising the Northwest rail firm's computers.  According to the NextGov report, attackers managed to control the rail service and delayed the train about 15 minutes on Dec 1, 2011. Second time intruders try to attack the train service but this time attack was detected and no delays take place.

" Some of the possible causes lead to consideration of an overseas cyberattack" Transportation Security Administration(TSA) Investigators stated .  Investigators found three IP address that were behind the attack but origin of the IP address was not made public.

"On December 1, a Pacific Northwest transportation entity reported that a potential cyber incident could affect train service," DHS spokesman Peter Boogaard said.

"The Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and our federal partners remained in communication with representatives from the transportation entity in support of their mitigation activities and with state and local government officials to send alerts to notify the transportation community of the anomalous activity as it was occurring."

According to the memo, it is unclear if other firm also affected by similar attacks.  Companies often hesitate to discuss about the security breaches openly for fear of scaring off customers.

For government to improve cyber emergency response, "the biggest thing is to start with the communications staff," Carver recommends. "There needs to be an interpreter who can take the information coming out of the U.S. CERT, take that, extract that out, and determine what it means for operations."
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