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Top IT Innovative Company Israel Amitec Hacked by Hitcher

Well known hackers group "Hitcher" break into Top IT Innovative Company Israel Amitec and defaced it.

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Hackers message in defacement page:
Free Palestine . . . We will not go down..Freedom is ourgoal. .// End the Occupation. . . . .
To the ignorant observer Israel may appear modern, vigorous and democratic largely thanks to the outrageous bias in Western media and the $$$ whores whom have become our wake up!!!
REALITY: Israel is and will always be a racist murderer, a child abuser, a child killer, a thief, a compulsive liar, a financier of genocide, an exporter of Terror and a haven for sick perverted traffickers of desperate, vulnerable and naive little girls and young women from Eastern Europe - Essentially a Middle East perverteddespot hell bent on recreating the nightmare of Nazi Germany!
When the World gaveup their sons and daughters to rid us ofthe menace of Nazism, before the ink had barely dried on the numerous peace agreements and as our leaders in a mass orgy of grief and regret uttered the words 'never again', the UN was putting the final touches to creating THE Nazi state par excellence!
Shame on the world and all her people who support this abomination masquerading as a nation state!
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