Indishell hackers started the attack with small amount of defacements. Following that attack, Bangladeshi hackers have hacked Thousands of Indian websites including some high profile and Government sites.
Today, Bangladesh Cyber Army issued a warning message to Indian government, they published a video on YouTube.
Hackers demanded the following:
1. Stop hacking Bangladeshi websites and stop all types of access to Bangladeshi Cyber Space completely...
2. Stop killing innocent Bangladeshi citizens at BD-India borders...
3. Stop Tipaimukh Dam...
4. Sign the "Teesta Water Sharing Treaty"...
5.Either stop broadcasting of Indian Media in Bangladesh or let Bangladeshi Media enter India...
6. Stop all Anti-Bangladesh activities of BSF and punish all offenders for their deeds against Bangladesh...
7. Last but not the least, India has to stop all activities which go against Bangladesh in any possible way.
"If these points are not accepted, our next attacks will be much bigger. You might think we are done, but this is just the beginning. Our next targets will be Indian Financial System, Communication System and IT Sector and Stock Exchange and we promise, those sites will be destroyed." BCA said.