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Cyber war between India And Bangladesh Hackers : 6 Bangladeshi sites hacked

Yesterday, Ashell From Indishell Indian Hackers group announced Cyberwar against Bangladeshi websites. All Indian hackers have joined together to launch cyberwar against Bangaldesh websites.

In past, Indian Hackers group send friendly request to Bangladeshi Hackers to stop defacing Indian sites. It seems to be that they haven't accept the request, they keep defacing the Indian sites.  So Indian hackers retaliate by defacing the Bangladeshi websites.

List of Bangladeshi sites hacked by Indishell:

Message from hackers:

"Bangladesh Under Indishell Attack ... U guys left no other option
here we come .... Destroyed
We r not the Hxors nor the Destroyers
We are The shells protecting our Indian Cyber Space
.........Destroyed By Ash3ll ........."
Following this incident, Bangladeshi hackers group bbhh also said that they are ready for the game.  They published a video on youtube and named the operation as #Op-India. It seems to be that they steal the anonymous video and modified it.

So what is going to happen? Only Innocent website owners is going to suffer as the result of cyberwar.
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Bangladesh Cyber Army

Bangladeshi hackers

Cyber War

Defaced Website

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Team Indishell