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High profile sites from Ghana, Russia, US, Belgium, Hacked by SEPO

A Hacker known as SEPO hacked lot of High profile sites from Ghana, Russia, US, Belgium.  The list of victim sites includes, Emirates Industrial Bank ,Mediterranean Smart Cards Company (MSCC),Valley View University of Ghana ,Murmansk(Russia) State Regional Universal Scientific Library website,Jewish National Fund (KKL) from Belgium and more high profile sites.

Hacker exposed the database info his own blog . The admin login info(userid, password) belong to Emirates Industrial Bank exposed;unfortunately, the password is in plain text though it is somewhat secure password(combination of special character and numbers).

The dump of Mediterranean Smart Cards Company (MSCC),Africa's leading electronic payment processing company, website contains database info and admin login; The password is encrypted , so what , is it secure? nope, The password is very very weak one, hacker easily cracked it. 

Other dump has the database info and login info of some other high profile sites.
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