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Microsoft's India Store has been hacked by Evil Shadow Team

A Chinese Hackers group called as "Evil Shadow Team" hacked the Microsoft's India store website( on sunday night and defaced it. Hackers upload defacement page "evil.html" in the main directory.

Hackers compromised the database which contains confidential data such as username , passwords, name of the customers. Unfortunately, the website stored the passwords in plain text. Hackers posted a message on the Microsoft website saying "unsafe system will be baptized".

"We are not famous, we know that the real master in civil society, a more powerful role. However, we modify the Microsoft Home of the Indian stores, this time our high-profile. We have deliberately marked the Chinese national flag, we come from China. Modify the home page is more powerful Microsoft aware of this issue. In fact, in the process to modify the home page, we encountered some resistance, but were eventually overcome." Hackers said in their official blog(translated).

Now, the websites officials removed the content from page and posted a alert message in main page "The Microsoft Store India is currently unavailable. Microsoft is working to restore access as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."

If you have registered at Microsoft India Store at any point of time and used the same password anywhere else, we suggest you to change the password immediately.
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