It seems that University of Washington fail to patch their vulnerability, A Hacker known as Xdev @b4lc4nh4ck hacked into university official website (washington.edu) and leaked sample data from the compromised database to prove that he gained access to . The leak has encrypted passwords and other details about the database.
Last month, HaxOr from infamous Team INTRA managed to breach the website using the SQL Injection vulnerability. Hacker leaked the admin id, password and vulnerable link. According to Softpedia report, the website admin patched the security hole.
At the beginning of this month, hacker known as NOBODY and NOLIFE exploit the vulnerability in the website and managed to extract the database that included username ,encrypted passwords.
Few days back, a hacker known as "Sony" discovered a Persistent XSS vulnerability in Jenkins web apps. Unfortunately, one of the subdomain of washington.edu use this web app ,it left the university website vulnerable to Persistent XSS Attack.