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Valley Forge Christian College hacked by N0B0DY and N0LIFE

N0B0DY and N0LIFE have struck again! They've attacked Valley Forge Christian College and released usernames and passwords as well as a 1.3 MB file of personal information of students. They released the data on Pastebin [] as apart of their operation, #OpEdu [!/search/realtime/%23OpEdu]

Operation Education was launched on February 25th, dedicated to exploiting universities and colleges.

The dump released contains a note, MySQL users, database names, usernames and passwords, and a download to the personal information.

The note on the Pastebin writes, 
Hello fellow interneds.

Today, we release to you a new college dump.

This college - Valley Forge Christian College.

We found an SQL injection vulnerability, and acted quickly. We soon got access to the MySQL users, and ya'know. Some other shit. We also got a lot of personal data. It was quite nice. We'll add a download link to that because it's too big for this paste. Here we go again. Time for some fun.

The hackers also released the vulnerable links.

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