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"Why Bangladesh Cyber Army Attack on Indian Cyber Space" says BCA

The news of Bangladesh Cyber army attack on Indian website swarmed everywhere in the cyber space. While we(EHN) provide the latest update of the cyber war, some media-news sites, newspapers, TV channels have been posting news which are totally false and based on absolutely nothing.

BCA worried about these false news and said " Publishing of all these false news will only harm the people and create confusion."

Here, BCA present you the reason of the whole war:
"Bangladesh Cyber Army, being the biggest hacking and security group of Bangladesh could not but stand against the Indians when it came to killing innonect Bangladeshi people at the India-Bangladesh borders. Many people have been killed in the border zone for no good reason, with no evidence against them. We cannot tolerate killing of our people with any strong reason with inhuman torture at any cost. Besides, the attack of Indian hackers on Bangladeshi sites has forced us to act. So we put forward some demands for the greater good of the nations which are as under
( ) :-"

1. Stop hacking Bangladeshi websites and stop all types of access to Bangladeshi Cyber Space completely...
2. Stop killing innocent Bangladeshi citizens at BD-India borders...
3. Stop Tipaimukh Dam...
4. Sign the "Teesta Water Sharing Treaty"...
5.Either stop broadcasting of Indian Media in Bangladesh or let Bangladeshi Media enter India...
6. Stop all Anti-Bangladesh activities of BSF and punish all offenders for their deeds against Bangladesh...
7. Last but not the least, India has to stop all activities which go against Bangladesh in any possible way...

We do not mean to do much harm to anyone in any way.
This does not mean we cannot we harsh or strict.

If you had doubt about what we are capable of doing, those must have been cleared of after seeing the following sites shut-down by us :

These are only few of the sites, there are more thousands of them

You can check the rest of hacked site list here:

The reason for cyber attack on Indian Stock market website:
War is something we never wanted before, we don't want now, we won't even want it in the future. But it is for everyone to judge, weren't our backs against the wall?
Indian stock exchange sites were hacked because, after we put forward the demands, there was another death at the India-Bangladesh borders by BSF. These two videos had been posted in Youtube regarding this-

Bangladesh cyber army concluded that "We never wanted to do all these....We are not linked with any political entity or religious organization....We are just a group of people who want proper justice to be served."

Bangladesh Cyber Army request all media "Please do not post any news without being sure about them. Ask for evidence before posting them and judge them well. Only you can present our messages to the Government. So, please, help us stop border killing by supporting us."

We are Bangladesh Cyber Army.
United as a single ONE,
Divided by Zero.
Don't expect forgiveness,
Don't expect to be forgotten.
India, Here we come.
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