Hackers part of the Anonymous group targeted Prime Ministry's network with the aim of obtaining official correspondence but failed to do so , World Bulletin report says.
The hack attempts were prevented by five Cybersecurity specialists, The Prime Ministry tightened cybersecurity measures and implemented a new network firewall following the attack. It is unclear if anything specific was targeted.
The report informs that Anonymous group launched the attack on Turkey's government websites in June but failed to bring most of the websites to their knees because of enhanced security protection.
"This news nothing but a conspiracy to cover and disgrace the group and make them out to common and aimless hackers in order to cover their faults and short comings. The story line and the way it continued don’t make sense. As if they copied the article word by word from each other."CyberWarNews quoted as Anonymous Saying.
"(Although nobody is tweeting about this issue on Twitter, It is still one of the trend topics.) As the Anonymous stated:
We are the defender of the truth and injustice in the world . we have no reason to attack and hack prime ministerial website. We the OPERATION DIGITURK aimed to punish those who are censorship and their controllers. We the people have right to chose and free speech. In this instance office of prime minister is not our target!"