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Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd hacked by TeamGreyHat : Cyber War 2.0

TeamGreyHat(TGH) continues their cyber attack against Bangladeshi websites; Today, they hacked into the largest Bank of Bangladesh named as Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Few days back, TeamGreyHat hackers announced that they are going to launch cyber attack on Bangladesh.  As part of the cyber war, they hacked the official website of Bangladesh Stock Market.

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd( and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh( has been defaced by Team Greyhat. According to their press release, hackers also hacked into the Bangladesh Parliment website and gained sensitive data sized more than 40GB.

Also TeamGreyHat send a warning message to Bangladesh Cyber Army that reads "Yesterday TGH have broke into the Bangladesh Parliament Network & BD PM Office and gained access over more than 40 GB of sensitive data of BD govt. We are giving BCA 24 hrs to stop cyber-war else those data will be leaked and make available for all to download. "
It seems like its bad time for Bangladesh Cyber Space. This cyberWar is causing lot of damages for Bangladesh.
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Bangladeshi hackers

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Cyber War

Defaced Website

Team Grey Hat