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LulzSec leader "Sabu" helped FBI to catch other LulzSec hackers

Hector Xavier Monsegur, 28-year-old, alleged LulzSec Leader "Sabu" turned informant after he was secretly arrested last year and provided information to law enforcement which resulted in the arrest on Two continents .

According to FoxNews report, the information provided by Monsegur helps agents to arrest several suspects ,including two men from Great Britain, two from Ireland and an American in Chicago.

“This is devastating to the organization,” said an FBI official involved with the investigation. “We’re chopping off the head of LulzSec.”

Alleged LulzSec leader "Sabu"- Hector Xavier Monsegur

“They caught him and he was secretly arrested and now works for the FBI,” a source close to Sabu told

Monsegur pleaded guilty Aug. 15 to 12 hacking-related charges and information documenting his admissions is expected to be unsealed in Southern District Court on Today. As a result of Monsegur’s cooperation, which was confirmed by numerous senior-level officials, the remaining top-ranking members of LulzSec were arrested or hit with additional charges Today morning.

Those arrested on Today including Ryan Ackroyd, aka “Kayla” and Jake Davis, aka “Topiary,” both of London; Darren Martyn, aka “pwnsauce” and Donncha O’Cearrbhail, aka “palladium,” both of Ireland; and Jeremy Hammond aka “Anarchaos,” of Chicago.

Hammond is believed to have have been the main person behind the devastating December hack on U.S. security company Stratfor which resulted in seizure of Millions of emails,credit card numbers and other confidential data.
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