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More than 150 Indian sites hacked by PCP Hackers :#OpFreeKashmir

Pak Cyber Pyrates(PCP) Hackers have hacked the more than 150 Indian websites as part of the Cyber War on India. Hackers defaced 161 Indian sites, according to Cyber War News report.

The full list of hacked sites can be found here:

"Govt. Of India Its Time To Tell the Truth To All Innocent Indian Peoples...
They Don't The Truth Behind Your Illegal Occupation In Kashmir.. You Keep Them Blinded That Kashmir Is A Part Of Baharat But In Real Situation Is Different!!!" Hackers said in the defacement page.

"You Killed Many Innocent Kashmiris In The Name Of MUJAHIDDIN. Your Army Imprisoned & Killed Many Mens And Childrens Who Protest Against Brutatilty & Stood Up for The Freedom Of Kashmir. Raped Many Innocent Women For Their Desires & After All This You Think Kashmir Is A Part Of Baharat. We Don't Think So!!!

We Have Some Questions That
Does It Bring Anything To You???
Did You Do The Same In Your So Called Country
Did Your Religion Give Permission For All The (SINS) You Are Doing In Kashmir???
Killing Innocent People Holding Stones In Their Hands And Are Not Harming You???

According To UN Pakistan was carved out of India in 1947 as the Muslim counter weight to
India's Hindu population.
Predominantly Muslim Kashmir to the
north of both countries was divided
between them, with India dominating two-thirds of the region and Pakistan
one third. A Muslim-led revolt against
the Hindu ruler triggered a build-up of
Indian troops and an attempt by India
to annex the whole in 1948,
provoking a war with Pakistan, which sent troops and Pashtun tribesmen to
the region. A UN commission called for
the withdrawal of both countries'
troops in August 1948. The United
Nations brokered a cease-fire in 1949,
and a five-member commission made up of Argentina, Belgium, Columbia,
Czechoslovakia and the United States
drew up a resolution calling for a
referendum to decide Kashmir's
future. The full text of the resolution,
which India never allowed to be implemented, follows. Resolution of the Commission of
January 5, 1949 The United Nations Commission for
India and Pakistan, Having received
from the Governments of India and
Pakistan, in communications dated 23
December and 25 December 1948,
respectively, their acceptance of the following principles which are
supplementary to the Commission's
Resolution of 13 August 1948:

1. The question of the accession of the
State of Jammu and Kashmir to India
or Pakistan will be decided through
the democratic method of a free and
impartial plebiscite;

2. A plebiscite will be held when it shall
be found by the Commission that the
cease-fire and truce arrangements set
forth in Parts I and II of the
Commission's resolution of 13 August
1948 have been carried out and arrangements for the plebiscite have
been completed;


(a) The Secretary-General of the United
Nations will, in agreement with the
Commission, nominate a Plebiscite
Administrator who shall be a
personality of high international standing and commanding general
confidence. He will be formally
appointed to office by the Government
of Jammu and Kashmir.

(b) The Plebiscite Administrator shall
derive from the State of Jammu and
Kashmir the powers he considers
necessary for organizing and
conducting the plebiscite and for
ensuring the freedom and impartiality of the plebiscite.

(c) The Plebiscite Administrator shall
have authority to appoint such staff of
assistants and observes as he may


(a) After implementation of Parts I and
II of the Commission's resolution of 13
August 1948, and when the
Commission is satisfied that peaceful
conditions have been restored in the State, the Commission and the
Plebiscite Administrator will determine,
in consultation with the Government
of India, the final disposal of Indian
and State armed forces, such disposal
to be with due regard to the security of the State and the freedom of the

(b) As regards the territory referred to
in A.2 of Part II of the resolution of 13
August, final disposal of the armed
forces in that territory will be
determined by the Commission and
the Plebiscite Administrator in consultation with the local authorities.

5. All civil and military authorities
within the State and the principal
political elements of the State will be
required to co-operate with the
Plebiscite Administrator in the
preparation for the holding of the plebiscite.

(a) All citizens of the State who have
left it on account of the disturbances
will be invited and be free to return
and to exercise all their rights as such
citizens. For the purpose of facilitating repatriation there shall be appointed
two Commissions, one composed of
nominees of India and the other of
nominees of Pakistan. The Commission
shall operate under the direction of
the Plebiscite Administrator. The Governments of India and Pakistan
and all authorities within the State of
Jammu and Kashmir will collaborate
with the Plebiscite Administrator in
putting this provision into effect.

(b) All person (other than citizens of
the State) who on or since 15 August
1947 have entered it for other than
lawful purpose, shall be required to
leave the State.

7. All authorities within the State of
Jammu and Kashmir will undertake to
ensure, in collaboration with the
Plebiscite Administrator, that:

(a) There is no threat, coercion or
intimidation, bribery or other undue
influence on the voters in the

(b) No restrictions are placed on
legitimate political activity through out
the State. All subjects of the State,
regardless of creed, caste or party,
shall be safe and free in expressing
their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State
to India or Pakistan. There shall be
freedom of the press, speech and
assembly and freedom of travel in the
State, including freedom of law ful
entry and exit;

(c) All political prisoners are released;

(d) Minorities in all parts of the State
are accorded adequate protection;
(e) There is no victimization.

8. The Plebiscite Administrator may
refer to the United Nations Commission
for India and Pakistan problems on
which he may require assistance, and
the Commission may in its discretion
call upon the Plebiscite Administrator to carry out on its behalf any of the
responsibilities with which it has been

9. At the conclusion of the plebiscite,
the Plebiscite Administrator shall
report the result there of to the
Commission and to the Government of
Jammu and Kashmir. The Commission
shall then certify to the Security Council whether the plebiscite has or has not
been free and impartial;

10. Upon the signature of the truce
agreement the details of the fore going
proposals will be elaborated in the
consultations envisaged in Part III of
the Commission's resolution of 13
August 1948. The Plebiscite Administrator will be fully associated
in these consultations; Commends the Governments of India
and Pakistan for their prompt action in
ordering a cease-fire to take effect
from one minute before midnight of 1
January 1949, pursuant to the
agreement arrived at as provided for by the Commission's Resolution of 13
August 1948; and Resolves to return in the immediate
future to the Sub-continent to
discharge the responsibilities imposed
upon it by the Resolution of 13 August
1948 and by the foregoing principles.
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