The collaboration between Secunia and the MS-ISAC provides (SLTT) governments with solutions for enhancing their vulnerability and patch management efforts, enabling them to further strengthen their defences against the increasingly complex cyber security challenges they face.
With this new agreement, the MS-ISAC members can get discounted access to the Secunia Corporate Software Inspector (CSI), which is an end-to-end solution for vulnerability and patch management, tying patch detection to patch distribution.
" The cyber challenges facing our SLTT governments are daunting and the need for cost-effective solutions to help meet those challenges has never been greater. This partnership is an excellent example of the public-private sector collaboration necessary to protect our critical infrastructure assets from cyber security threats. " said William F. Pelgrin, President and CEO of the Center for Internet Security and Chair of the MS-ISAC. "We look forward to similar opportunities to engage with additional top-tier security vendors in helping secure our nation’s SLTT governments through our newest division, the Trusted Cyber Security Purchasing Alliance (alliance.cisecurity.org)."
“We are looking forward to commencing the collaboration, and supporting the MS-ISAC members, who with the Secunia CSI will be empowered to deal with the root cause, the vulnerabilities”, said Thomas Zeihlund, CEO, Secunia. “The Secunia CSI will have a direct, positive impact on the effectiveness and timeliness of the members’ patch management operations, providing transparency into what is posing a security threat to their organisation so that they can target and prioritise their resources and efforts.”