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THOR , New P2P Botnet in development and soon available for sale

 The development of new botnet THOR(a decentralized P2P botnet) is nearing completion and will soon be available for sale for $8000 on various underground hacking forums.  THOR is coded in C/C++ and developed by TheGrimReap3r.

THOR Works on Win 2000+, Win XP SP0/SP1/SP2/SP3, Win Vista SP0/SP1/SP2, Win 7 SP0/SP1  and Support x86 and x64 systems

"The botnet itself has no central command point, so it will be very difficult to shut down, also, very difficult to track where commands are coming from, because all the nodes pass them on. So there is no chance that it will be tracked down in the nearest future." Developer wrote in the HF.

THOS Uses DLL injection, IAT hooking, ring3 rootkit amongst other things to hide.It have it's own module system so you can write your own modules with our easy API system.  - Custom modules can be arranged on request for a fair price.

peer to peer communication uses 256-AES encryption with random key generation at each startup. 8192-bit RSA will be used for instruction signing(the NSA recommends 2048-bit).

The developer set the price as $8000 for the package without modules, module pricing have not been set yet due to that they are not completed. And the expected modules that you can buy will be, advanced botkiller, DDoS, formgrabber, keylogger/password stealer and mass mailer.
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P2P Botnets

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