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About Me and Distribution of Technology Lebanon hacked by @Chriss10011

A Hacker called Chriss10011 hacked into the and Distribution of Technology Lebanon websites. Distribution of technology, a leading world wide electronic’s provider that is based out of lebanon (

Hacker leaked the database belong to the Distribution of Technology website in pastebin: .  The leak contains username , passwords(plain text) and email address.

Hacker defaced the website, the main page is not defaced but One of services page(

Hacker said in pastebin release:
Attention to all Anonymous supporters and Anonymous operators, #Lulzr00t has decided to grab hands with #Anonymous and agreed to Deface or DDoS any site that has big standards but low government care. Why? Because the government needs to wakeup and see that people are struggling.

We understand that some #Anonymous supporters may not support this idea, we all have opinions and beliefs but this #Op shall live forever just Like #AntiSec. We shall keep on firing untill we get arrested and can't hack anymore. This is a 13G1T anonymous #operation just ask @Chriss10011 he has agree'd to do it.

#Anonymousr00t has now engaged, see you on the battlefield.
#OpAnonymousr00t is associated with #AntiSec #OWS and #Anonymous
LulzSec may be dead, while we are not Lulzsec we have "Lulz" in our name but we most surely will be bringing in some massive DB Leaks, and defacements and they will not be #fortehlulz
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Anonymous Hackers

Database Leaked