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AlQaedaSec takes down the New York City's website(

The computer hacker group called ALQaeda Sec launched a Distributed Denial- Of -Service (DDOS) attack on the official site of New York city (

The hackers tweeted :
#TANGODOWN you just got #911'D!
#Allah give us strength against the filthy sinners!
#AlQaedaSec #UGNazi #Cocksec #91FUN

The hacker group used botnets to keep the site down by continously sending large number of requests , As shared by s3rver.exe, one of the member of the attack.

An assumption is made by the picture that symbolize burned American flag posted by the hacker group , it seems a form of protest against the US Government but the s3ver.exe, a member of the group claimed that the attack was introduced just "for lulz".
The Hacktivits have been announced last week a lot of " Tango Downs"

The Anonymous hacker Havittaja with other members together  took down three websites of the Brazillian Federal Police then the site of Central Intelligence Agency ( and also the US department of Justice ( were down for several hours.

This hacker group ALQaeda Sec is also known as UGNazi, the hacker assembled together  was associated in the attacks that targeted the UFC, back when Dana White revealed his support for SOPA.

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DDOS Attacks