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CIA site take down by UGNazi Hackers group

Hackers part of UGNazi group launched DDOS attack against site , results in both websites are inaccessible now.

Initially ,some anonymous member take credit for the Cyber attack by tweeting "CIA Tango Down", but later it admitted UGNazi had instead brought down the site.

"since #anonymous tryed to take credit for tango down'in , we have stopped attack and oh look now its up! #UGNazi" UGNazi group tweet says.

Hackers again attacked the and bring down the site.  At the time writing, both is inaccessible.

@ThaCosmo, the member of UGNazi said the group has also compromised a notice sent out by the FBI Assistant Director in Charge Janice K. Fedarcyk to Field Offices.  They leaked the details in pastebin.

"all will be well aware of the brutality in individual privacy that will come after CISPA is implemented by the Government. And this is the exact reason for all these online protests that are on large today. We are fighting for the common people and to protect their privacy, to protect them from the prying eyes of the corrupt government." Hacker said.
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