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The popular poker forum "Two Plus Two" hacked

Last night(April 26), hackers break into Two plus Two( ,one of the popular poker forum, and gained access to sensitive data including username, encrypted password(md5 hash) and email address .

The admin immediately responded by taking down the site, after users send notification to them.

Though the passwords are encrypted with md5 algorithm with salt, hackers can easily crack the hash because md5 is less secure than the SHA algorithm. If your are password is weak(eg: yourname123,12345), then it won't take a seconds to crack .

If you have used the same password anywhere else, your are advised to change the password.

"However, do not change your password on 2p2 . As far as I know, the vulnerability still exists, so changing your 2p2 password will just give you another potentially compromised password to worry about. And, 2p2 forums is down right now, sothere’s no reason to worry about someone using your account."Noah Stephens-Davidowitz – a poker security consultant, one of the leading moderators on the twoplustwo site.

" You obviously will want to change your password eventually, but now is not the time. If 2p2 responds to this properly, you’ll beforced to change your password there once the vulnerability is found and fixed, so you don’t need to worry right now."

Extra Tips:
want to know how to create a strong password? Our ebook "Password is 123456" will help to create a strong password.
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Security Breach