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Null Bangalore Meet Scheduled on 21st April 2012

Hi All,

We will have this month's null/OWASP/Garage4hackers/SecurityXploded Bangalore meetup on Saturday 21st April 2012 starting at 10.00 AM. No registrations, no fees, just come with an open mind :)

The Bangalore meet, as usual, is divided into 2 parts, the monthly talks and Training on Reverse Engineering. The Reverse Engineering training will start at 12:45 PM by the SecurityXploded/ Garage4Hackers team. The RE training for this month is completely hands-on and everyone is required to get their laptops fully charged for the exercises.

Also, we have a guest speaker from the US, Mr. Arshad Noor, who is also a speaker at the ongoing OWASP AppSec AsiaPac 2012, Sydney - Australia, who will be talking about RC3 - Regulatory Compliant Cloud Computing.

1. Believe it or not SSL Attacks - Akash Mahajan
2. News Bytes - Satyendra
3. RC3 - Regulatory Compliant Cloud Computing - Arshad Noor

4. Practical Reversing & Unpacking Part 1 - Harsimran & Nagershwar

Kieon, 3rd Floor, 302 Prestige Sigma,
3 Vittal Mallya Road,
Bangalore 560001
Opposite Bishop Cottons Girls School, Above Emirates Airlines office.

Map Location:

Parking is available in the building.

NB: As discussed in the last month's meet, we will have a basic 30 minute primer on Cross Site Request Forgery by Satish at 9:30 AM, before the main talks begin at 10:00 AM. All those who would be interested to learn, understand the basics of CSRF and to watch some cool demos are requested to be present at 9:30 AM.

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