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"Why did you put this photo online? Naked?" spam mail leads to malware

What will you do if you get a mail with subject "Check the attachment you have to react somehow to this picture" ? Will you download the attachment and see what is inside? or just ignore ? If your answer is second one, then you don't need to read this news.  But if you are curious to download the attachment to see what is inside , then you must read this.

Sophos security researchers intercepted a mail that pretending to be an email about a revealing photo posted online of the recipient. The mail has an attached Zip file which contains a Trojan Horse.

The email subject may vary , here some subjects intercepted by researhcers:
  • RE:Check the attachment you have to react somehow to this picture
  • FW:Check the attachment you have to react somehow to this picture
  • RE:You HAVE to check this photo in attachment man
  • RE:They killed your privacy man your photo is all over facebook! NAKED!
  • RE:Why did you put this photo online?
Sophos Security solutions detect the malware as Troj/Bredo-VV and Mal/BredoZp-B.
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