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Anonymous leaks 1.7GB data from US Bureau of Justice Statistics

Anonymous hackers have initiated a campaign called Monday Mail Mayhem.  As part of the attack, hackers breached the United states Bureau of Justice Statistics(, an agency that, governed by the Department of Justice, collects and analyzes data on crimes and criminals. Hackers leaked 1.7GB of data on the Pirate Bay.

“We do not stand for any government or parties; we stand for freedom of people, freedom of speech and freedom of information. We are releasing data to spread information, to allow the people to be heard and to know the corruption in their government,” the hackers said in the video that accompanies the data leak.

“We are releasing it to end the corruption that exists, and truly make those who are being oppressed free. The price we pay very often is our own freedom. The price governments pay is the exposure of their corruption and the truth being revealed, for the truth will set us free in the end.”

The site is back to online now;  a Department of Justice spokesperson has stated that they’re currently investigating the intrusion.

 They claim that the data has been taken from the public facing website, which most likely means that there isn’t anything of major importance in the leak.
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