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Ransomware targets Switzerland, Germany And Austria

If you are one of regular visitor of EHN , then you might aware of Ransomware. Ransomware is one of old method used by cybercriminals. These kind of malwares locks victim's system and ask user to pay some amount in order to unlock the system.

Security researcher from blog, discovered a new Ransomware that targets Swiss, German, and Austrian internet users.

As usual, the Ransomware threatens victim that they violated the copyright law and locks the system. It demands ₤50 in order to unlock the system. "Failure to adhere to this requeset could involve criminal charges and possible imprisonment" Threatens user.

According to his research report, the infection vector is a well known drive-by-download exploit kit called "Blackhole". It exploits the vulnerability in the victims web browser (or a third party plug-in like Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader or Java) and infect user system with Trojan.

The ransomware carries a further payload in the form of a trojan called Aldi Bot, which steals banking information, added.
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