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Rwandan Hackers hacked Access Kenya site to show vulnerability

Few days after Access Kenya group announced deployment of a new email authentication system aimed at securing client emails as well as enabling them (clients) use the service while abroad (roaming), Rwandan Hackers group hacked into their website( to show the vulnerability .

"The system, Soft Mail Transfer Protocol Authentication (SMTP AUTH), is touted as the most secure authentication system and the company says it’s a necessary deployment in the wake of increased internet security concerns worldwide."Hacker said in their blog

"Access Kenya Systems Engineer Sam Oduor said the SMTP AUTH system guarantees email security thence enabling clients to safeguard their information on through the AccessKenya network."

“Communication on this authentication system comes through a secure socket layer. This improves customer privacy since conversations cannot be intercepted,” Hackers quoted as Oduor saying.

Hackers leaked database details including database username, admin username and password.
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