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Operation save the Arctic : a campaign led by Anonymous

Operation save the Arctic – a campaign led by Anonymous – has reached its second phase, the hackers revealing the names of four other companies whose systems have been targeted.

According to the hacker CyberZeist, the new victims are Shell, Gazprom, Rosneft and BP Global.

“We know we’re going up against the most powerful countries and companies in the world.But together we have something stronger than any country’s military or any company’s budget. Our shared concern for the planet we leave our children transcends all the borders that divide us and makes us - together - the most powerful force today,” he said.

He claims that similar to “phase 1” of the operation, the email addresses they’ve obtained have been used to sign a “Save the Arctic” petition.

From Shell, the hacktivists leaked around 20 user email addresses and associated clear text passwords. BP Global’s databases appear to contain more information, over 400 email addresses and password hashes being published.

Around 200 credential sets were stolen by the hackers from Gazprom and approximately 80 from Rosneft. For some of the companies, database access details were also made available.
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