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91 Iranian Websites hacked by Israeli Hacker Yourikan

An Israeli Hacker called as Yourikan (you-r!-k@n) claimed to have hacked and defaced a number of ninety-one Iranian websites , including the ones owned by state agencies, universities and high-profile companies.

In a message sent to Infosec Island editor Anthony M. Freed, Yourikan indicated the attacks were leveled against Iranian government, education and business targets in protest of Iran's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and support for terrorist activities targeting Israel.

"91 Iranian sites were hacked and they own by me. Which several government sites eg this is the Tehran's urban development and other, A large number of sites faculties and institutions, for example Iranian university one of the largest universitie in Iran Large electronics companies sites gaz and oil company and this one ..." Infosec Island quoted as hacker saying.

“This is an attack against Iran than support terrorism and developing nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. Israel will not tolerate terror, Israel will not accept nuclear Iran,” he said.

He claims that he can cause a lot more damage than this, but he prefers only to deface the websites because he isn’t “trying to hurt the citizens of Iran.”

At the end of July, the same hacker breached the website of the Tehran Regional Water Company, operated by the Ministry of Energy, as a form of protest against the bombing that targeted Israeli citizens in Bulgaria.
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