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Southern Railways and 89 Indian government sites hacked by Pakistani Hackers

Pakistani Hackers , from the Pak Cyber Pyrates, have hacked into the website belong to Indian Southern Railways( and defaced the site.

The Hackers group defaced the site’s main page to display their protest message against the presence of India in the controversial Kashmir area.

“Govt. of India it’s time to tell the truth to all innocent Indian people. They don’t know the truth behind your illegal occupation in Kashmir. You keep them blinded that Kashmir is a part of Baharat, but in reality the situation is different,” the hackers said in the defacement page.

However, as IBN Live highlights, the official Southern Railways site was moved to back in 2010, which means that the domain targeted by the hackers is currently out of use.

The Hacker group defaced a total of 89 Indian government domains, including the new domain used by Southern Railways. The list of hacked sites and mirror for them can be found here.
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