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New features added to Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 8 Build 20120911

vulnerability scanner

New Features and Security checks has been added to the new build 20120911 of Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 8. Also, number of bug has been fixed int his build.

New Features:

  • Ability to import multiple HTTP Sniffer captures to the same crawl.
  • Ability to merge HTTP Sniffer captures to existing website crawls.
  • A new option that allows you to specify a different email address for each configured scan in the scheduler.
  • HTTP Fuzzer number generator now support padding; i.e. you can use a leading zero e.g. from 01 to 10.
  • A new option to specify if the latest cookie from the scanned website should be used rather than the one discovered during the crawling.
  • New option to force scanner not overwrite user specified custom cookies with newer cookies form the scanned website.

New Security Checks:
  • Added a test for .Net Cross Site Scripting (Request Validation Bypassing).
  • New security check for MediaWiki security issues.

The full change log is available here.

How to Upgrade to Build 20120911

On starting Acunetix WVS 8, a pop-up window will automatically notify you that a more recent build is available for download. Navigate to the General > Program Updates node in the Tools explorer, click on Download and Install the new build.
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