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"Miley Cyrus sex tape leaked on the Internet" Facebook scams steals Authentication tokens

miley cyrus facebook scams

Tempting Facebook users with the promise of sex tape videos of celebrities are not new, but cyber criminals still choose that method as social engineering attack is one of the successful way to achieve their malicious goals.

The latest scheme starts with a post titled "Breaking News : Miley Cyrus sex tape leaked on the Internet. Millions of men called in stick after seeing it." The post has a huge thumbnail propagating the scam displays a closeup of the singer, apparently in a state of rapture.

When a user click the image, they are taken to a website where the video appears to be hosted. When victims want to play the click, they are asked to verify their age by copy and pasting their Facebook authentication token into text box.

The token allows the cyber crooks temporary access to the targeted Facebook account, including the victim’s list of friends.

According to Hot for Security report, users who fall for it will see their Timeline flooded with posts advertising the aforementioned video. Even worse, all their friends will be tagged to make sure that they don’t miss it.
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