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Qatar's LNG producer RasGas infected by computer virus

The second biggest liquefied natural gas (LNG) producer , Qatar's RasGas has been infected by unidentified malware that has taken down its website and e-mail servers. On Monday, RasGas identified the presence of malware in the company's office computers.

“Our IT department is facing technical difficulties, we have been affected by an 'unknown virus’, our operational systems onsite and offshore are secure and this does affect nor impact our production as a Ras Laffan Industrial City plant or scheduled cargoes," An official RasGas spokesperson said in a Pipeline Magazine report.

“In response to that we have a specialist RasGas IT team working in collaboration with ICT Qatar to resolve this issue as soon as possible," the spokesperson added.

The attack follow the Shamoon malware attack on on 30,000 machines belonging to Saudi Aramco.It was not clear whether Rasgas has been victim of the same malicious software.

At the time of writing, the site displays the following alert message " "RasGas website is currently being updated.Default template is loading.Please stay tuned".
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