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89 Child Porn sites taken down by Anonymous

anonymous hackers

Anonymous take down more Child porn sites after they take down 12 cp sites last week. Now, there are more than 80 sites has been taken down by PrOtOn_An0n(Read our interview with him).

"A post was made to twitter about a formspring user who was posting child porn
to his formspring account. The email for formsprings staff was posted to twitter
and some concerned users emailed it to complain about the user. " Hackers said in the pastebin.

"The users account was suspended and we recieved and email informing us that they were looking into him, he will most likely get arrested. #Victory"

After running some Google queries, Anonymous have discovered more than 197,000 CP sites has been hosted in .webs.

"It is depressing to see a number like that involved with something like this. BUT WE WILL NOT GIVE UP! Our attacks will not cease until every child porn site on the internet is erased and every pedophile who has ever done harm is punished."

They invite .webs to aid them in the eradication of child porn websites from their

"They already know we mean business and if they refuse to remove the CP
sites we will take them down by force. This is not a threat, it is a promise."

Here is the list of CP sites taken down by hackers:

Once again, i am inspired by the operation of PrOtOn_An0n.
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