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#OpJubilee : Anonymous hacked another UK police forum

Recently, Anonymous Hackers have declared an operation called as "Operation Jubilee". The Operation Jubilee (OpJubilee) will launch on November 5, 2012

"Something is terribly wrong with this country. The powers that be have proven time and time again that they are corrupt, sinister, selfish and traitors. The individual common man is powerless against them. One small group is powerless against them." Anonymous said in the operationjubilee website.

"It seems no one can come up against the beast they’ve created. Maybe one person can’t. But one in a million can. United together, millions of us, can move a mountain: a mountain of government-control, corporate-control, media-control and elitist-control. Millions of us can declare our freedom and a true jubilee. We are the 99%.

This is a leaderless resistance. Make your own plans to protest, knowing others are doing the same. Keep your specific details private. Spread the message far and wide, but stay safe. Stay Anonymous. Stay free. Support the Jubilee.

Think of the marching scene in V for Vendetta. Everyone showed up! They became a powerful massive tidal wave to reclaim their freedom from oppression. Together, they could not be ignored. They reminded those with arms who the people who paid their wages were; whom they took an oath to protect; and whom they should be protecting for the good of us all, instead of protecting the traitorous criminals.

It’s going to take ALL of us. Make YOUR plans NOW.

Stay tuned for more…"
Few days back , the hackers defaced two UK Police sites(, and post a video in the defacement page, with a message for all protesters.

Today, they have defaced another UK Police forum ( . UKPoliceOnline is an forum for members of the Police or for anyone interested in joining the Police.


Rally Millions To Parliament, London

5 November 2012

Cancel All Debt

Stop War

Redistribute the Land

Eliminate Poverty" Hackers wrote in the defacement page.

The mirror of the defacement page can be found here:
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Anonymous Hackers

Defaced Website
