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An Interview of Indian hacker D1617 64 (The Founder OF T|RA)

An Interview of Indian hacker D1617 64 (The Founder OF T|RA)

1. Introduce Yourself to our Readers
i m D1617 64 an explorer founder of The Revolutionary Army and Brothers OF 64 and One of the core member Of team open fire
who always fire on corrupt sector

2. What is the significance of your hacker name and why did you choose this name?
okk there are 2 reason as i say i always trying to fire on corrupt sector . D1617 64 = 64 and if i write 64 as 6+4=10 there are only 1 and 0
1 is for bring revolution
and 0 for destroy corruption
thts why i choose my name D1617 64

3. When and why did you start hacking?
i start hacking just before 1 yr , when i was in class 9 my father gave me a desktop for study and i starting learn many programming langage . after class 11 i have seen many corruption in internet like many website blocked me and many times i hv not get acess. according to me information should be free for all. after class 12 when i have got admission in college then i start hacking

4. What kind of hacker do you consider yourself to be?

its a difficult but i called my self a grey hat

5.What is your favorite hacking method?

there is many hacking method , but i most of the time working on metasploit , yeah metasploit , i have got amnt scada , root acess using this msf ... and networking is my favourite field . if any people have good knowledge abt metasploit then he/she can play with anything

6.tell me something about The Revolutionary Army
we are fighiting against corruption and reservation system done by the government
we will fight to make education free for all
this team was formed by 4 students but now in T|RA have 12 member ... and we always study our mission
as you know in IIT the government make reservation for sc and st . for this reservation system many general poor guys cnt study in IIT
after December #op remove resrvation system will start

7.Is there anything else you would like to add?

my fav hacker jonathan james
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