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Personal data and emails of Israel's Vice PM Silvan Shalom leaked by ZHC

zcompany hacking crew

Earlier Today, the zCompany Hacking Crew hacked and gained access to the Vice PM Silvan Shalom's Twitter, facebook and Youtube account.  It seems like they've compromised the email account also. Now, they have leaked personal data belong to Silvan Shalom.

"As soon as the news of VPM's accounts hit the media some people started tweeting that ZHC are Anonymous. We want to clarify once again that ZCompany Hacking Crew is a separate group. We are not part of Anonymous although we support OpIsrael." ZHC once again clarifies that they are not Anonymous hackers.

"ZHC is Hackers Collective from around the world with a common cause to fight against injustice and oppression. We do not hack without a reason nor do we endorse it." Hackers said in the leak.

"Our Recent Hacking of social media profiles of Israel's VPM Mr Silvan Shalom was motivated by his recent statement in which he threatened to blow up Gaza. Gaza is not just in Palestine we are all Gaza."

The leak contains Phone number, email address, screenshot of his emails and contact email addresses.

Also they have uploaded a private Document containing the personal info i.e phone names, numbers and type of participation of the volunteers engaged with govt in their activities
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