The well-known hacker collevite Teamr00t has managed to breach the government websites from several countries and defaced. The hacked sites are from Brazil, Paraguay, Philippine, Thailand,Indonesia, Bolivia and more.
The defacement was part of their ongoing hacking operation against the government of the world. They've send a message to the government.
"To the governments of the world, it is time you listened and acted upon what would benefit and help the people of your countries! It is now time for you to start listening to the voices of your nation and deal with the problems that are occurring every single day. " The defacement message reads.
" Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and your people must be allowed this freedom. Stop, listen and take action that will help benefit your nation!"
"Teamr00t Has Arrived!!! We are the voice for the suppressed people of the world, and we will show you the truth!"
The list of affected site includes City of Flores de Goiás (floresdegoias.go.gov.br),Gov Brazil ( www.cidadedeguapo.go.gov.br), Gov Paraguay (intranet.annp.gov.py), Laoag City site (www.laoagcity.gov.ph), Gov Thailand (cityub.go.th) , National Adoption Ministry (mimp.gob.pe), senavex.gob.bo.
The list of hacked sites with mirror can be found here: