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Anonymous hacker convicted for attack on PayPal, Visa and MasterCard as part of Operation Payback

A British Student hacker associated with the Anonymous hacktivist has been convicted in UK for his involvement in series of cyber attacks against the Paypal, Mastercard, Visa in 2010 as part of 'Operation Payback'
Anonymus hacker

A British Student hacker associated with the Anonymous hacktivist has been convicted in UK for his involvement in series of cyber attacks against the Paypal, Mastercard, Visa in 2010 as part of 'Operation Payback'

Christopher Weatherhead, 22 year-old, online handle 'Nerdo', was found guilty following the guilty pleas of three others — Jake Birchall, Ashley Rhodes and Peter Gibson.

The four hackers were arrested for orchestrating denial of service attacks against the companies because they had stopped processing payments for WikiLeaks. The attacks cost PayPal £3.5m.

The hacker also overwhelmed the servers of the British Recorded Music Industry and replaced with a message :

"You've tried to bite the Anonymous hand. You angered the hive and now you are being stung."

Weatherhead, who will be sentenced at a later date, could face up to 10 years in prison.
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