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Pakistan army website hacked by Human mind cracker

Human mind cracker discovered SQL Injection vulnerability in their website '' .
The Tunisian hacker 'Human Mind Cracker' who discover critical vulnerability in high profile website.Again,this time he hacked into Pakistan Army website  and he get into their Database. He discovered SQL Injection vulnerability in their website '' .

In an email sent to EHN,the hacker provided us the vunerable link as a proof for his hacking.And he also provided a link to the dump (

" The reason of the hack is just to break the security of that website...I was thinking that Pakistan has a good cyber army but lool also they have a lot of vulnerable websites" hacker said in the email.

The dump contains database details, password, email address, admin id and password.

The hacker always try to hack into governments and banks website to improve his skills and want to know if government mind about security in their website.And the hacker said that more governments websites will be hacked by him soon.
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