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China Bank Network Website Defaced By Indian Cyb3r D3V!LS

Indian Hacker group named "Indian Cyb3r D3V!LS" has hacked into the China Bank website and defaced the main page of the website(

Indian Hacker group named "Indian Cyb3r D3V!LS" has hacked into the China Bank website and defaced the main page of the website(

The Bibi bank network independent website, co-founded by a number of financial professionals committed to universal access to financial expertise to help the general public understand the products and services provided by banks, to cultivate rational, smart and confident consumers of financial.

The hacker claimed to have breached the site by exploiting the Remote File Inclusion (RFI) vulnerability.

Hackers claimed to have compromised around 1000 credit card numbers but they are not going to release/misuse the details.

""Chinese Hacker defacing Many Indian government and colleges along with Pakistan hackers.  Don't mess with us we are greater than you.. no respect for your f** security.. " Hacker said.
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Indian Cyber Devils

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