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Jeeps' Twitter account hacked the day after Burger King hack

Hackers hijacked the official Twitter account of Jeep on Tuesday and posted fake tweets about the brand being sold to Cadillac.

Hackers hijacked the official Twitter account of Jeep on Tuesday and posted fake tweets about the brand being sold to Cadillac.

The hack was similar to Burger King twitter account hijack on Monday. In Burger King account hack, the cyber criminals changed the profile picture to McDonald's logo.

"The official Twitter handle for the Jeep Just Empty Every Pocket. Sold to Cadillac. In a hood near you!" read the tagline on Jeep's Twitter page.

"Sorry guys, no more Jeep production because we caught our CEO doing this," One of the tweets read, shows a man who appears to be smoking a joint.

Cadillac representatives clarified that the company "is not connected to the hack of the @Jeep Twitter account."

Gizmodo has done some research about this hack and reported that a DJ from New England could be the hacker.
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Twitter account hacked